You can’t argue with results. The result of three, sometimes four ladies shoulder to shoulder slaving away in a cramp bare basics kitchen behind the sandwich bar stacking and creating lunches for the masses that wait in an orderly single file snaking out the front. Not exactly Soup Nazi, but for the sake of keeping the line moving and the cash coming into Olive, there are no excuses for not knowing exactly what you want with the menu at the doorstep. Chicken parma, schnitzel drenched in a basil rich napoli sauce, rocket inbetween foccaccia smeared with olive tapenade a tasty option for lunch. A no carb option could be the box of parma with steamed veg, and fried zucchini. Get in early to to avoid the crowd. At low low prices for the heart of the city, can’t argue with that.
2.5 / 5 yums!------
Where? The Strand, Pitt St Mall (near King St), Sydney, NSW
What? Under $10

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