In the renovated art deco room, be treated to food you wouldn’t even serve to the inmates at Alcatraz let along the hogs at farmer McDonald’s ranch up in Joadja. On toasted slices of soy and linseed baguette, there’s a low fat cottage cheese, chopped tomato and chopped chives. Lacked seasoning. Moroccan carrot and orange salad, supposed to be a light, fresh way to begin a meal however experience using a food processor would have been handy. Syrian chicken a flavour explosion in the mouth, but it was fingers crossed it wouldn’t have resulted in a toilet bowl explosion later on. Chemoula coated tuna didn’t need the heat of the Sahara, overcooked completely destroying the expensive steaks from the sea and making it as dry as the desert. Using a get out of jail card, the desserts save the Shack’s blushes. Banana pancakes with hazelnut gelato from Newtown’s award winning Gelatomassi passable, the honey spiced parfait okay. It’s a good thing this place no longer exists. The mediocracy could spread to other parts of Sydney.
0 / 5 yums!

Note: The chef is this writer.
I think your being too hard on the Chef. In fact Shack 68 was a classic. Short lived but damn memorable. How could you go past a serenade of Banana Pancakes by the Chef himself!!!!
4.5/5 Yums from me!
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