Thursday 25 March 2010

Little Cupcakes, Melbourne

It was hard to avoid the curiosity surrounding the arrival those mini cakes that are supposedly the size of a cup and made fashionable by a fictional New York quartet when they arrived in Sydney. I’m not sure how it was in Melbourne, but there’s still plenty of gloss at this boutique shop that fits perfectly in the cafĂ© friendly Degraves Street. If the missus is angry with ya, the road to redemption could start with a cute Red Velvet, Belgian chocolate, orange jaffa, raspberry white chocolate or cookies and cream. Or all of them if she’s really mad.

3 / 5 yums!
Where? 7 Degraves St, Melbourne, VIC


Unknown said...

Oooooh! little treats from heaven!

Patrick Kua said...

I saw this place as well quite recently. I still think cupcakes are
1) too sweet to have too often;
2) expensive for what you get

Of course, sugar, colouring and cake have their place everyone once in a while

Iron Chef Shellie said...

I love this place! Glad I don't work or live near it though. My waist line would hate me!

Anonymous said...

i love cupcakes!! Funfetti Cupcakes or Belgian chocolate cupcakes...... Bananna Pudding and Belgian chocolate shortcake are always a hit!

Anonymous said...

Loved your post! this recipe looks great! =)

Cupcakes Melbourne

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