If XXII were a woman, I’d be very close to getting down on bended knee and asking for a union of matrimony. It really is a darling little restaurant, a place you’ll go back to over and over again yet always leave with a smile on your face. The calamari remains brilliant. Sliced duck meat hidden amongst the gourmet greens, baby tomatoes and croutons dressed by a slightly sweet balsamic is light yet satisfying. Double pork in the chop flavoured by sage and wrapped by a prosciutto, is pan fried served on top of sautéed spinach and a quality sweet potato mash. The lasagne, the other permanent feature is baked and served in a shallow oval dish and not difficult to understand why along with the calamari is a house favourite. A simply rich, tomato ragu using fine mince layered inbetween pasta sheets finished off with parmesan. Remember to come up for air as you inhale this thing. In sickness and in health, til death do us part… yes XXII is Tiffany’s worthy.
3.5 / 5 yums!------
Where? 22 Union St, Pyrmont, NSW

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